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  • What is Full Metal Jacket 4462 about?
    FMJ Team 4462 (Full Metal Jackets), is a FIRST Robotics Team. The team is composed of high school students and teachers from Roane County High School as well as volunteer mentors from around the community. Our team is located in Kingston, Tennessee.
  • What is FIRST Robotics?
    FIRST stands for For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology. It is the organization that develops and hosts the yearly Robotics competitions in the US and around the world. Founded in 1989 and based in Manchester, NH, FIRST is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public charity designed to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology, and to motivate them to pursue education and career opportunities in STEM fields. The mission of FIRST is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting Mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. Find out more from FIRST's website here.
  • What is FIRST Robotics Competition?
    Combining the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. We call FIRST Robotics Competition the ultimate Sport for the Mind. High-school student participants call it “the hardest fun you’ll ever have.” Under strict rules, limited resources, and an intense six-week time limit, teams of students are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. It’s as close to real-world engineering as a student can get. Volunteer professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each team. Each season ends with an exciting FIRST Championship. Source
  • Who are the Founders and what is the histroy of FMJ 4462?
    The Full Metal Jackets, FRC team 4462, was founded in 2013 by mentors Ken Tobin, Gary Alley, and Cindy Holmes. In this inaugural season, the team won the Rookie All-Star Award at the Smoky Mountains Regional in Knoxville, Tennessee and got to travel to St. Louis, Missouri, to compete in the World Championship. That year, our team was comprised of 39 student members and 9 mentors. The team drew mainly from Roane County High School, though we did have one student from Midway High School. Today, the team consists of members from surrounding high schools, midleschools and homeschools. The 2014 season saw a change in team membership and build location. The team incorporated the returning Roane County High students, along with a home-school student and students from Harriman, Midway, and Rockwood High Schools. Roane County High School graciously provided the team a workspace to use for the build season. The 2015 season, the Robotics Team was incorporated as part of the STEM program at Roane County High School. A newly refreshed engineering building was headquartered for the team’s use, which allowed the entire team to be located in one centralized area, rather than being spread throughout multiple buildings. Team corporation was encouraged and easier to implement due to the use of one location. The 2015 season was our third year as a team.
  • How Do I Become an FMJ Student or Adult Mentor?
    Student Mentor Stop by of our FMJ Lab at Roane County High School in Kingston. The teachers can explain any fees, travel and academic requirements. The team meets (almost) weekly in the fall and (nearly) every day in the early spring . Check our Facebook page for announcements. After joining the team register with FIRST, go through an online OSHA safety test, receive some training and get ready to work. Then, contact one of the student officers to get plugged into a design group. You'll find many to choose from! Adult Mentor Mentors and Coaches are individuals from all backgrounds and disciplines who work with students to share their knowledge and guide them through the season. Many Mentors contribute on a weekly basis during competition season, or support the team with subject matter expertise on an as needed basis. Teams may have additional,or more specialized roles, or a combination of roles, as needed. In addition, Mentors help to foster the idea of Gracious Professionalism® and have the students do as much of the work as possible. Source This document and film viewing is required by new mentors The documents below are suggested reading for new mentors Sample Mentor and Coach Roles Mentoring Guide
  • How Do I Join Team FMJ
    Membership Requirements During off season members are required to attend at least one meeting every other week. During the Build season, which is January-March, team members must attend at least one meeting weekly. Membership annual fees are $50.00. See the requirement for joining Team FMJ here. Education Requirements Team Members must keep all Report Card grades at or above a C letter grade. No D’s or F’s. FMJ Diplomacy Team FMJ holds our team members to a high standard. This allows us to give students AMAZING opportunities that no other club can offer. Team Members must keep all report card grades at or above a C letter grade. If a member is suspended for any reason they will be placed on team probation. Depending on the severity of the offense, team membership can be revoked.
  • How Do I Get Team FMJ To DJ My Community Event?
    High_Tech DJ FMJ would DJ your event in style with their exceptional DJs and equipment. Email or call us to book your event.
  • How Do I Learn More About STEM?
    The Why and What of STEM Education. Both private and public sectors report that 21st-century workers require skills that many of today’s graduates don’t have. Students need more in-depth knowledge of math and science, plus the ability to integrate and apply that knowledge to solve the challenges facing our nation. Children who study STEM also develop a variety of skills that are essential for success: critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, communication, collaboration, and entrepreneurship, to name a few. A number of K-12 programs currently fly under the STEM banner. However, a 2014 study published by the America Society for Engineering Education identified several characteristics of quality STEM programs: 1. The context is motivating, engaging, and real-world. 2. Students integrate and apply meaningful and important mathematics and science content. 3. Teaching methods are inquiry-based and student-centered. 4. Students engage in solving engineering challenges using an engineering design process. 5. Teamwork and communications are a major focus. Throughout the program, students have the freedom to think critically, creatively, and innovatively, as well as opportunities to fail and try again in safe environments. STEM, then, is a specific program designed for a specific purpose—to integrate and apply knowledge of math and science in order to create technologies and solutions for real-world problems, using an engineering design approach. It’s no surprise that STEM programs need to maintain an intense focus. ( Source)
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